Bruxismo e disturbi del sonno: studio pilota con OBC modificato

OBIETTIVO: L’obiettivo di questo studio è stato quello di verificare l’incidenza del bruxismo in una popolazione di adolescenti ed adulti e le eventuali correlazioni dello stesso con disturbi del sonno e/o stati d’ansia.

MATERIALI & METODI: 32 pazienti (14 femmine; 18 maschi), con un’età media di 35 anni, sono stati visitati presso l’Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”

Thin-plate spline analysis of mandibular morphological long-term changes induced by functional jaw orthopedics: the role of treatment timing

Objective: To evaluate the role of treatment timing on long-term mandibular morphological changes induced by functional treatment of Class II malocclusion followed by full-fixed appliance therapy.

Materials and Methods: The treated group consisted of 46 subjects (23 females and 23 males) with Class II malocclusion treated with either Bionator or Activator.

Orthognatic surgic approach for management of a skeletal class III malocclusion in a no growing patient

SCOPO: Risoluzione di un caso clinico di malocclusione scheletrica di Classe III in un paziente adulto con approccio ortodontico-chirurgico.

MATERIALI E METODI: Il paziente si presenta in visita presso il reparto di Ortodonzia del Policlinico di “Tor Vergata” in età adulta lamentando una insofferenza per l’aspetto estetico del suo volto. Dall’esame clinico extraorale il paziente mostra un profilo concavo.

Associations between displaced maxillary canines and tooth agenesis: a cross-sectional radiographic study in a large sample.

AIM: The aims of the present study were to: investigate prevalence, characteristics, sex distribution and significant associations with DMC in a group of growing subjects affected by tooth agenesis; analyze whether the severity of the tooth agenesis has an effect on dental development and presence of DMC, and evaluate whether hypodontia can be a factor involved in maxillary canine impaction when isolated in the maxilla or in the mandible.


Introduzione: Lo scopo di questo lavoro è stato confrontare gli effetti del quad-helix con griglia (Q-H/C) e il bionator (OBB) in pazienti con morso aperto.

Materiali e metodi: Il campione di pazienti con Q-H/C ha incluso 15 soggetti, 11 femmine e 4 maschi. L’età media per il gruppo Q-H/C prima del trattamento (T1) era di 8,2±1.3 anni,

Three-dimensional palatal morphology in marfan children: correlation between area, volume and apnea-hypopnea index in a rare syndrome

Aim:To evaluate the relationship between palatal surface area and volume, measured by 3D analysis of digital casts, and the degree of severity of OSA (apnea/hypopnea index AHI>1) in Marfan children.

Materials and Methods:Twenty children with a clinical diagnosis of MS were recruited from the Centre for Rare Diseases for Marfan Syndrome and Related Disorders of Tor Vergata University Hospital and evaluated in the Departments of Orthodontics of the same University.

SP 141 long-term soft tissue changes after facemask protocol

Aim: To analyze soft tissue changes produced by the facemask protocol (FMP; rapid maxillary expander, facemask, and removable lower bite-block) in Class III growing patients with respect to an untreated Class III sample by means of Bergman’s soft tissue analysis.

Subjects and method: The treated group consisted of 32 (15 females,

Geometric Morphometric Analysis Of The Palatal Morphology In Patients With Palatally Displaced Canine

AIMS: The purpose of this study was to use geometric morphometric analysis to evaluate the variability of palatal shape and arch dimension associated with palatally displaced canine.


SUBJECTS AND METHOD: Forty-six patients (18 males, 28 females; mean age 13.8±1.2 years) with palatally displaced of one or both canine (PDC) were compared with a control group (CG) of 25 subjects (11 males,

Maxillarydeficiencyand SDB in Children With Marfan’sSyndrome: A controlledthree- dimensional (3D) shapeevaluation

Aimwas todefinemaxillarymorphology inMarfanchildren (MG) by means of3Danalysis and3D reconstruction of palatal area and volume compared with a control group(CG)andto investigate the associationwith OSAseverity.

20MarfanCaucasiansubjectsunderwent standard nocturnalpolygraphytesting. 16 of 20 Marfanpatientspresented an AHI> 1 and wereenrolled in the study. CG wascomposed by17healthysubjects.Studycastswerescanned and preprocessed to removeunwanted data.3D boundariesweredefinedasa gingivalplane and a distalplane.

Analisi 3D geometrica morfometrica del mascellare superiore in giovani pazienti con Sindrome di Marfan

SCOPO:  Valutare la  variabilità di forma del mascellare superiore in un gruppo di pazienti con sindrome di Marfan (MG) confrontandola con un gruppo controllo (CG), mediante geometria morfometrica.

MATERIALI E METODI: 5 soggetti con sindrome di Marfan (MG, età media 4.8+/- 0.4 anni) positiva all’indagine genetica, sono stati scelti dal Centro di malattie rare Policlinico di Tor Vergata e esaminati presso il dipartimento di Ortodonzia della medesima università.